Dźwigi procesowe Demag - Specyficzne rozwiązania dźwigowe dostosowane do wymagających potrzeb przemysłu.
Our process cranes are tailored to meet the needs of your production processes. They are designed and built to specific requirements. In this way, we ensure the highest efficiency, availability and safety for your installations. We have extensive expertise and knowledge of our customers' specific industrial processes – in the paper industry as well as in process integration, in recycling and bulk handling, in the aircraft industry, in steel production and in steel handling.
Process cranes for the paper industry:Cranes to serve paper machines/roller cutters, Automated paper roll store, WMS
Process cranes for metal handling:Transport of long materials, Process cranes in coil stores, Automated cranes
Process cranes for mechanical engineering:Heavy mechanical engineering, Power stations, Automated cranes
Process cranes for metal production:Redundant systems, Intelligent control systems, Clear visualisation
Process cranes for recycling and bulk material:Refuse recycling installations, Wood-fired cogeneration power stations, Bulk material stores
Process cranes for the automotive industry:Tools stored in up to 5 layers, Tools placed on the press transfer stations, WMS
Cranes for special applications:Raw materials, Straw bale handling, Wooden panel handling
Process cranes for the aviation industry:Aircraft production and maintenance, Teleplatform for maintenance